A Day In My Life


Life is super weird right now. Sometimes I never know what day it is and half the time I can’t believe it’s only 3pm because I feel like I’ve done..everything a person could do by then. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t absolutely anxious for whatever the new normal is going to be in just a matter of weeks. It’s going to be really weird to spend my birthday inside due to an unfortunate and scary situation. But that said, I’ve kinda adjusted to whatever life has become over the last month or so for the greater good. I’d like to think that it helps even just a little, but who knows truthfully.

Days seem to start to run together lately. But, I actually got some questions about what life is like right now so here is what one of my recent days has been like.

5am: wake up and check my phone for messages. Check Twitter to see what fresh hell I’ve woken up in today.

5:30 am: Finally nudge myself out of bed realizing it’s steadily warming up outside and if I want to get a walk in, i better get moving.

6:15 am: Enjoy my peaceful walk…well, mostly peaceful. You know other than dodging dog walkers and runners.


7:30 am: Pick up all the shoes my puppy has dragged from the shoe rack and entertain them a bit while anxiously looking at my phone wondering what awaits me today.

8:15 am: I’ve showered and now it’s the same old, same old - coffee and emails. Prioritize today’s tasks in my day planner.

9 am: Check in with projects I have been working on and start working on today’s priorities.

10:15 am: Take a break and get ready for the day. Time to myself to get properly dressed and catch up on some 90 Day Fiance (No shame).


11:30 am: Head into the office for our weekly Facebook Live. We are socially distant and only a couple of necessary people are in at a time. We must stay connected right now and we believe this is true for families who need it right now.

1:30 pm: Back home now and eating my lunch over my desk while checking email and evaluating how much work I have left for the day.

3 pm: The dogs have finally forced me into the living room by barking at the governor's press conference about the situation in Arizona. I reluctantly move my work station to the couch to tune in.


4 pm: Do a final round of email checks for the day and revisit some design projects I wasn’t loving. Update the Facebook Live crew about our response for today.

5 pm: Say goodnight to my babes who is half a world away and finish work for the day. Time to enjoy a glass of wine and World News Tonight (if I can stomach it).

6 pm: Cook dinner which is a comfort meal of mac and cheese. I just can’t resist…these days.

7 pm: After cleaning up it’s time for the weekly video hangout with my crew. A good time to check up and check in with everyone else to see how things are going.

7:30 pm: Another weekly workout with Richard Simmons. I do pilates and yoga, but still really can’t figure this out but I’m giving it my very best shot.

7:45 pm: Our weekly TV episode of the 1995 BBC Pride and Prejudice mini-series. It’s the last episode and I can’t wait to be rid of Lydia.

9:00 PM: Begin the nightly routine of getting ready for bed. Basically spend most time making sure my older dog is comfortable in her makeshift bed. Make a note to self to get her a comfy new dog bed since she won’t get on the big bed anymore.

Miss Chloe and the bed she made for herself

Miss Chloe and the bed she made for herself

9:45 PM: Bother the dog a little more until I realize I really need to get into bed. Start playing Animal Crossing on my phone pretending that its relaxing…it’s not.

10:00 PM: Give up on Animal Crossing and finally do my Balance wind-down activity. Put my phone away for the night and end up watching some episode of Forensic Files I’ve seen 3,000 times until I drift off to sleep feeling blessed for TV timers.


1 Item, 3 Ways: Leggings


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