3 Lessons I've Learned During Quarantine...So Far


I’m not the first to admit a pandemic probably wasn’t a thing on the list of probable events happening during my lifetime. To be fair, quite a few things that have happened in my lifetime weren’t really on that list. Nevertheless, here we are trying to figure this whole thing out. One thing I can be grateful for is how connected our world is because it makes things a little less…hard. When talking to others about what they are going through and how they are doing, one thing comes up consistently: lessons.

By lessons, I don’t mean where to best leave your sourdough starter. I’ve chatted with different people of differing ages and everyone seems to have found something they have learned about their life prior to COVID-19 that they could stand to change going forward. A little perspective change if you will. I must admit I’ve felt the same and it’s slightly unfortunate this is the situation that changes perspective. One other thing I’m grateful for is being more introverted. It’s kinda made things easier except I do miss being able to go where I need to without even thinking about it and knowing it will be there.

That is probably a sentiment quite a few people feel, but I’ve learned a few big things too. At the risk of being too personal, here are 3 things I’ve learned…so far.

I Can’t Plan Everything

How optimistic to sit a few months ago at the very beginning of 2020 and talk about all these amazing plans for the year. All the places I was gonna go and all the things I was going to do all came to a screeching halt. One of the worst things for someone like me who is a planner by nature is an unexpected change in course. This time it’s not so much the fact all my plans are currently ruined until further notice or may not take place at all, but it’s the uncertainty of a situation I don’t have control over at all. When is the Shelter In Place over? When will traveling be allowed again? Everything is just up in the air and whatever comes next will have to be spontaneous. Something I don’t really love. One thing I have to take from this is knowing I can’t plan everything about life and I really shouldn’t. I’m losing being present and being able to just go with it.

I Need to Set Boundaries

I think I’ve written about work from home a half a dozen times and each time I make a note about how important it is to set boundaries. Unfortunately, all too often I fall into the trap where I want to be as helpful asp possible and that often means overextending myself. Quarantine has really messed up my dedicated work time. If I’m not feeling creative and don’t have a conference call, I start my day later which means I often end up finishing far later than I should. I have been passing off activities I enjoy to do more work tasks I need to get done and sometimes It feels like burning the candle at both ends. I need to set and stick to designated work hours and not sacrifice myself to be there for others. Other people aren’t constantly on 24/7 and I shouldn’t be either.

I Need to Slow Down…Sometimes

For years I’ve always been proud to be a busy little bee. Always studying, working out, writing, and, well, working in general. During the last month or so, I’ve learned that it isn’t always best. There are days where I feel like I’ve done 80 projects but accomplished absolutely nothing and others where I feel like I’ve rushed through things that I’m not really all that happy with just because I needed to be doing something else. I need to reprogram my brain to not feel guilt for relaxing. Using my weekends like weekends and making time for myself, my favorite activities, and just recharging. Being busy isn’t a badge of honor and having downtime is proven to have positive effects in all areas of life. It’s about time I embrace more moments of calm within my day and life in general.

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