Monthly Edit 12


As I sit here compiling everyone’s favorite, I can’t help but think about how it’s another weekend nearly gone. I can’t believe March is hours away and it will be a year since the world stopped. Sometimes I wonder if it will ever get back to normal or if I should just start being like everyone else, giving up, and just doing whatever the hell I want. I can’t say this entire situation combined with some other life stuff isn’t doing a number on my mental health. Hopefully, with this full moon, things will turn around.

Somehow, for being the shortest month, February went by in a slow crawl. I won’t even lie, sometimes I thought it was a completely different week and had a “Shit..really?” when realizing the actual date. Meh, it happens. But nevertheless, I made sure to keep track of the very best things on the internet and things you should know about.

Life Update


Things You Need to Host a Stellar Happy Hour At Home


Stylish Ways to Update Your Wardrobe Right Now