5 Things I Enjoy Doing On A "Day Off"


Somehow you’d think given the year so far I’d have taken way more days off, but the opposite is very true. Without other activities like going out and seeing friends, I just find myself filling time by doing more…work. Obviously not ideal. Hello burnout…It’s Labor Day which is a national day off. Now I’m writing and rewriting this in advance knowing there is about a 75% chance I’ve touched my work at some point today. I just hope it’s because inspiration struck and not because of an overwhelming feeling I needed to be productive. 

That said when I do take time off I try to make the very most of it because who knows when I’m going to do it again. A lot of what I try to spend time doing would qualify as “self-care” because I’m not rushed and feeling tugged 75 directions. While other things I enjoy or just need to do in order to fit in with the rest of society. Here are 5 things I really love to do on my day off. Now let’s hope I’ve done at least…one today. 

Have a Good Workout

“But Nicole…you work out every day already…” Yes, you would be correct if you said that. The difference with a day off workout means I have more time to dedicate to the workout. These are the days I don’t really have an excuse to say 15 minutes of pilates was “enough” for today so I can run off to an email. Day off workouts are more intense and usual include more than one type of workout or focus. Workouts are known to help endorphins and be a mood booster which is perfect for a day off. No one wants to be in a bad mood on their day off! Plus it comes in handy later... 

Self Care All At Once

Everyone’s self-care is different. Mine primarily involves activities I rarely get to do like face masks, intense dry brushing, and, sometimes, even self-tanner. I did a pore shrinking mask the other day to clean my pores and I literally asked myself why I don’t do this more (time. The answer is time.). I spend the time away from my phone doing things for my physical and mental health. Even just making my skin look and feel better boosts my confidence days later. I dry brush multiple times a week, but it’s usually rushed so a long intensive dry brushing on a day off can be pretty darn relaxing not to mention make my skin feel great. 

Sit Still…What?

Obviously a day off is meant for not doing a single thing except maybe watching terrible television. But sitting still is a challenge for me. I can always think of 35 other things I could be or need to be doing. That said, taking more time to relax lately, has given me a chance to watch the television shows everyone else has been talking about for the last…century. Not to mention given me a chance to watch the movies leftover on my Criterion Channel watch list. Lately, I’ve been watching Schitt’s Creek, License to Kill (An honestly terrifying show), and Godard’s Une femme mariée.


“Doesn’t this count as work?” Yes…and no. I recently read that for all the time I spend daily creating for others I need to try and spend at least 45 minutes a day creating for myself. I’ve really made this a goal recently because, as you may have noticed, updates to this blog became few and far between each month. When I spend so much time bringing other’s visions to life, I can get really discouraged my own. So in order to undo that I spend time creating things I want to make. Whether it’s playlists, blog posts, or just collecting inspiration, it’s a big part of my time off. 

Cook Something New

I think I have about 100 browser bookmarks, Pinterest pins, tagged Tumblr posts, and cookbooks begging me to get to cooking. To close out a relaxing day, why not give something new a go? I love cooking and food so I enjoy learning new recipes especially when I can share them with others. Cooking is really organized and controlled. There are steps to follow and the end result is always delicious. I’m disappointed at my lack of cooking new recipes over the past few months, but I’m looking to change that. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve made some really good stuff lately. But I’ve got a long way to go to clear out these recipes. 

This Spicy Miso Spaghetti is high on my list.

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