Monthly Edit 08


Last week while filming a work project (safely!) we were discussing time. You know, the only thing anyone remotely discusses anymore other than the impending doom caused by an invisible virus. One thing we couldn’t get past is how it feels like the month begins and 2 seconds later it’s already ending. I hate that this has become such a huge part of life now. At first, it all seemed like a reset or something that was helping us to reevaluate things, but now I just have this overwhelming anxiety about time being…wasted. I hate to be such a Debbie Downer, but it’s a real struggle and that’s life.

Luckily, I have this blog which I have recently tried to put more creative effort behind because sometimes it all gets to be too much and you just wanna have your own thing. The Monthly Edit is one of the most popular posts and most loved so here we are. Enjoy some fun internet things.


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