Dealing With Election Stress


For better or worse the election is tomorrow. As if this year hasn’t been overwhelming enough, this election is incredibly high stakes. It’s been hard to escape it and seemingly every conversation I’ve had for the last month with friends, family, and others have been all about this. We know, based on this year especially, that uncertainty makes anxiety and stress levels higher because we just sit around trying to imagine every possibility. With the election, this is even harder because it’s looking like we won’t even have concrete results until much later this go around.

I’m not here to tell you which way to vote. Vote your conscious forever and always. But heading into the next few days and weeks it’s incredibly important, either way, that we get into a good mindset for the outcome no matter what. This feels crazy for me to even say after sitting and hearing the worries of my friends about the outcome. I have the same worries and the same fears. For the next 24 hours (or more) it’s important to check in with ourselves and acknowledge whatever feelings we are having. I know processing them will be much easier said than done. Just know that if you voted (or you’re about to), it’s the one thing you can control. Feel good about your own actions and the effort you have put in to make a difference and have your voice heard. Even if it feels like the entire country is screaming over you.

Here are a few things we can all do over the next few days to curb the election stressors.


Be Around People

Given the current guidelines about being around people, this may not seem like a relatively feasible idea. If you want to watch the returns come on, attend, or host a SAFE election night viewing party with people within your pod that you trust. If you don’t feel like being around people at least use Zoom or other technology to stay connected to others. When interacting with others, you can work through feelings together and manage just how much news you are consuming. It helps prevent pity parties and can give you moments of joy and happiness that you want to remember when you’re feeling bleak. It will shine a light on the gratitude you have for your friends and family.

Validate Your Feelings

What you’re feeling about the election or the pandemic is normal. Rather than isolating yourself further than the pandemic might have isolated you, find a way to talk it out. Therapy is a great option if you can do it because they will be able to help you process your feelings in an unbiased way. If you can’t, speak to a friend or perhaps write it out in a journal. Remind yourself that you are allowed to feel however you are feeling, but sometimes what you are feeling isn’t the truth.


Do Not Doomscroll

Look, we all do it with Twitter or whatever the case may be. But not a single person walks away from their 45-minute doomscroll feeling awesome and filled with positive vibes. So just don’t do it. I know that’s easier said than done too. There are ways you can stay informed without overwhelming yourself. There really is too much information out there and it is impossible to consume it all. Find a couple of trusted news sources that you can turn to. You’ll be less overwhelmed and you can limit your interaction with these sources. Give yourself a set amount of time to look or choose a specific time of day to check-in. This can help prevent obsessive and unhealthy behaviors.

Take Time Off

When you’re overwhelmed it’s hard to focus on anything. Trust me, when I’m feeling overwhelmed I’d rather lay in bed staring at the ceiling doing absolutely nothing. than attempt literally anything. Since the election falls during the week when you have work, it will be hard to work if you can’t focus. Regardless of the result, if you feel you need it, request a mental health day. Proactively make plans that allow you the space you need to absorb your feelings and react appropriately. If things don’t go your way, the day off can help you process or grieve the result, but if things go your way, you might need an entire day to absorb it.

Trust Yourself

You’re a badass and you’ve made it this far. Like with the pandemic, you realize that you can only control yourself. There’s really not much else you can do except put in the effort and work to support the things you believe in regardless of the result. Don’t be preoccupied with things that haven’t happened. Don’t put added pressure on your future self because you truly don’t know what you’re capable of until you need to deal with it. You voted. You made your voice heard. No matter what, you got this.


This post is not intended to diagnose or treat any individuals. It is merely written from research and personal experience.


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