4 Things to Organize Right Now


As the days get shorter and we start heading towards hibernation season, I can already feel my obsessive tendencies creeping up behind me. This is likely for two reasons. First, every damn year I lose control and go through this gigantic purge, clean, organize situation. Second, this year has been an absolute shit show and the overwhelming feeling of being out of control can only be stifled by doing things that make me feel somewhat in..control again. Just this past weekend I was looking at the shelves in my closet just brainstorming ways to be more efficient with what little free space I may have in there.

I read a quote once about how clutter can be stressful and when we have a more tidy space we feel calmer and in control. When things are crazy, like this year, it can be a huge benefit to have a space that doesn’t cause unnecessary stress. Here are 4 things that can be easily organized to make a calmer, tidier space in one afternoon.


Did you know the shelf life of most spices is 4 years? If you haven’t thrown out any spices lately, you probably should. This is of my trouble spots. I have a basket for spices I rarely use (think..buying them for one recipe) and the rest sit on their designated shelf. Every week they end up in a jumbled mess. Take down all of the spices and see what needs to be tossed out. If they are hard like a brick or you can’t remember when they were used last, give them a toss. Then sort them based on how or when you use them. I sorted mine by those I use daily and those I use rarely, but you could sort them by baking vs cooking. Then put them all back where they go. I’m very tempted to pull a Home Edit and get cute new jars, but I need to refrain….for now.

The Refrigerator

Just like there is a shelf life on spices, your condiments do too. Check the expiration dates for everything in your fridge. Get rid of things you haven’t touched in forever just like you did with the spices. Are there leftovers? Toss those out too. Use a safe cleaner to wipe down the shelves and drawers. Don’t forget the drawers where the land of uneaten produce lives. They are the biggest culprits of refrigerator messes. I enjoy using bins and organization in my fridge so I know just where everything is. I’m prone to lazy throwing sometimes and you’ll never know how disappointing it is to throw out forgotten cheese that fell behind something else. Do yourself a favor and give everything its own home.

The Junk Drawer

Whether you have an intentional junk drawer or an accidental junk drawer, there is usually one place that acts like a catchall for everything currently away from its home. Dump everything out and figure out what the heck is even in there. Then put things into piles where they belong or purge them entirely. When I did this recently I bought containers to store various items in rather than overloading the drawer. All of the cords and wires now have their own little box. Get a drawer organizer so all the odds and ends have their own place and everything is put away nice and neat.

The Closet

While being stuck at home and choosing minimal clothing options, it’s the perfect time to clean out the closet. Donate or sell clothes that don’t suit you anymore or just don’t fit. You’re likely not going to wear them no matter how many times you look at them and claim you will. They are just taking up space and could be put to better use elsewhere. Look at the other contents of your closet and decide what you can get rid of or what might be stored better elsewhere. I know I’ve mentioned my million little plastic shoe boxes holding odds and ends including out of season shoes. This is the time to switch out the shoes and go through the odds and ends to rid myself of things I really don’t need to have in there anymore.

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