Mix No. 14: 70s Love Songs


Before anyone reading this lets out an audible groan, just give me a chance to explain this cliché mixtape timing. I think every February my go-to mix is "love" themed in some way at least. I think last year I was honest and made a lonely Valentine's Day mix, and I still definitely feel that way. I was going to skip a monthly mix altogether because I think love sucks right now. I mean you give so much of yourself to someone else only to be treated like you're nothing. But I digress.

Now, how did I stumble on such a niche theme like love songs from the 1970s? It's relatively simple: Fondue parties. Oh yes, that wonderful, dinner party staple from the 1970s is back. Okay, maybe it's just back for my friends and myself, but I've been to a few fondue parties in 2018 so that's where I got this idea. It came to me because while enjoying melted delicacies with a long stick dipped into a hot pot, we frequently listen to music from the 1970s. Get where I'm going with this?

Cool. So, just for fun, if you don't know, fondue is melted cheese (or chocolate) in a pot kept over a flame. You use a long stick to dip bread, fruit, veggies, and tons of other stuff inside. In 1930, it was declared the national food of Switzerland in order to increase cheese consumption. But quickly became an American craze after its appearance at the 1964 New York World's Fair. Sure, sharing a pot of boiling hot cheese with your friends sounds fun, but there are even traditions that come with the experience. It's suggested to consume white wine in order to avoid indigestion (this has not been proven but who needs an excuse to have wine?), and women must kiss their neighbors if they lose bread within the pot. Seems a bit unnecessary to me but, hey, the 70s were a different time.

But back to the mix. While hanging out at these parties and enjoying the 70s tunes, I realized a lot of my favorite love songs come from that time period. I figured it's Valentine's Day and some people probably have a relationship or at least a Valentine who isn't their dog so why not run with it? But I couldn't strictly make a mix of songs I love so I decided to include some classic ones everyone loves and other downright cheesy ones everyone pretends they don't like (but secretly love). It's a real smorgasbord of a mix. You know as diverse as the offerings at a fondue party.

Whether you have a Valentine or not, you can enjoy this playlist on Spotify right now. Happy Valentine's Day or whatever


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