What I'm Listening To, Volume 4


Summer is winding down which makes me feel a little low key #blessed. No more looking like a sweaty tomato all the time. No more feeling uncomfortable in my own skin because I can layer upon layer my clothes. But no one wants to hear about that so onto the music. I set out to make another blissful summer playlist, but just didn't have the heart to finish it. It just never felt right when I would listen back to it. So instead I went with a trusted go to: what I'm listening to right now.

This is a pretty interesting mixture of songs. Some are older favorites (like Ariel Pink's Baby) and others are new music just released (check out that new Brand New record). I can't escape Post Malone's Congratulations on the radio during my commute so that naturally appears here. One album I'm really excited about is Dhani Harrison's newly announced album so the currently released track is here. Oh and maybe that Louis Tomlinson track I might be just a bit biased about.

Maybe before summer is unofficially over next weekend I'll make another summer mix, but until now enjoy some great songs I'm liking right now.

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