Summer Style Inspiration

I'll be straight up honest; getting dressed when it's 110+ degrees outside is an absolute chore. We've had a heat advisory for about a week now, and despite living here my entire life I'm not used to it. There's no way anyone can get used to walking outside and practically not be able to breathe. Enough about the weather, right? It's summer and it's gonna be hot in the Northern Hemisphere. When you don't feel like putting a ton of effort into getting dressed you come to appreciate stylish pictures on the internet. There's just a lot of browsing Tumblr in my lazy Target shorts. (#honesty) There are only so many fabric options, colors, and ways to work with what you've got when you have three incredibly long months ahead. These are some of my favorite style inspo images I've compiled on the style tag of my Tumblr (Found here).  They are definitely giving me the summer vibes I need to get my sh*t together and get dressed.


In the Kitchen: Shake Shack @ Home


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