In the Kitchen: Chocolate Chip M&M Cookies

A few weeks back I decided to revisit (and use) my old Tumblr account. I decided to give it a whole new look and tagging system so I could find things much easier. I use it as kind of visual collection of things that inspire me, things I want to try, and just funny things. I have had this Tumblr since 2009 and it has thousands of posts. While tagging I realized there were SO many images of m&m chocolate chip cookies. Like.....maybe too many?  Since taking on that incredibly type-A task, I've been thinking about these cookies for days. One afternoon I took a break and thought why not make some? Using my handy tagging system I began looking at recipes, but then it dawned on me: I'm just going to add M&Ms to the regular Nestle Toll House chocolate chip cookie recipe. Cause with chocolate chip cookies, if ain't broke don't fix it. Plus I have the recipe memorized and my favorite adjustments on lock already. Easy enough...

The recipe below comes directly off the package of semi-sweet chocolate chips with a couple of changes. I add 2 teaspoons of vanilla rather than just one. It's a personal preference and it's really not overwhelmingly noticeable. Next, I add a lot of chocolate. Somehow when I make cookies ratios are off and there are many that end up being mostly regular cookie dough with minimal chocolate pieces of any kind. To undo this I always add more. As for M&Ms I used a combination of regular milk chocolate and peanut butter. The peanut butter stand out and make the cookies better, but they are quite the surprise when snacking on the cookies. I personally probably won't use those again.

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Processed with VSCO with a2 preset

Any type of M&M can be used it's all about personal preference. I love cookies which is why I'm sharing these. They ended up being incredibly soft, delicious, and only lasted about 1 day before everyone gobbled them up. I used a regular ice cream scoop to get larger cookies and ended up with about 24 cookies total.

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Processed with VSCO with a2 preset




Monthly Edit: May


My Beauty Obsessions