In the Kitchen: More Pizza!
I've been really slacking when it comes to cooking. I've tried to make plenty of new things, but nothing really turned out right. I guess my heart just wasn't in it. But then I decided I really wanted to make pizza (again). This time I made a homemade thin crust dough rather than just beating the system with store bought mix. I've made plenty of pizza dough in my youth with my family, but never on my own despite hearing how "easy" it is from pretty much everyone. The recipe calls for proofing the dough although typically that's really only done with thicker dough. Proofing this thin dough makes it much more crispy and crumbly rather than airy and fluffy. Proofing dough is super easy because it can be done by room temperature, leaving the bowl on a hot surface (like the stove while the oven is on), or leaving it outside like my grandmother used to.
I chose to split one recipe of dough in half and make two really small pizzas to try different things, so really it makes one regular sized thin pizza ideally. Splitting the dough made it very, very thin and crispy. The first one I made was roasted red pepper and basil while the second was prosciutto and arugula.
I wish I had better photos of the final result.