Food Trends
Just like with most things in life there are trends and food is another one of those things. I hadn't even considered it before until there were thousands of avocado toast Instagrams and fancy mixology cocktail bars began appearing. There are plenty of things that will rise in popularity of the course of this year and many things that should disappear this year too. Don't believe me? Just ask Bon Appetit the omnipotent source for all things food.
I'm no expert on food. I can cook it. I eat it quite a bit. I always like to try new things. But a few of the things on their list I just can't get behind.
Nutritional Yeast - A condiment that is most commonly sprinkled on popcorn and is quickly becoming a substitute for parmesan cheese. I just can't get behind giving up delicious parmesan cheese for a sprinkle of yeast.
Adventurous Yogurt - Yogurt made from sheep's milk, coconut milk, and even water buffalo milk is just a little too adventurous for me. I think I'll stick to granola and plain ol' Greek yogurt.
Charcoal - Charcoal may be a great remedy for food poisoning and stomach ailments, but I think it's better suited for giving my pizza that perfect charred crust.
How about those 2016 food trends that need to go?
La Croix - Okay, I get the cult following, but it just all tastes the same to me. What am I missing?
Smoothie Bowls - So you put some fruit in a bowl? Did you just make a smoothie and not have a cup around? They sure are colorful, but what is the purpose?
Zoodles - No. I'm a big fan of noodles. If I'm gonna eat pasta, I'm gonna eat pasta. I'm not gonna trick myself into eating veggies in place of noodles to be healthy.
Images: ONE