5 Essential Life Apps


Or as this really should be called: 5 life apps for getting your life together. As we all know there are about 6 billion apps in the App Store. They all promise different things or have functions to help our every day lives be just a little bit better. But how do you know which ones are worth your time, money, and precious phone space?

I'm no expert, but I do have a few apps on my phone that are pretty essential to my daily life. Awhile back I shared apps that get me through the summer (read that here), so today I'm sharing some other apps that help other areas of my life function just a bit better. I went back and forth about sharing organization apps or social apps but truth be told everyone knows which ones they love best.


For Note Taking: Evernote

Being a student I take a lot of handwritten notes which is fine. I quite like those. But when it comes to lectures with a lot of information (like an entire drawing of a sea floor handrawn by a professor) I love Evernote. I simply take a photo of the previously mentioned drawing in Evernote, make some side notes, and I can access it from my home computer or my phone. It's great for jotting down little reminders or for meetings at work because the notes are easily accessible from multiple platforms.

For Getting Caught Up: Refinery29 This AM

We live in a world of 24/7 access to information and breaking news. Sometimes it just gets to be too much and things happen while we are asleep. So to catch up in the morning I always check this app. Refinery29 This AM curates 8 stories I need to know about to be better informed for the day ahead. There's a mixture of politics, business, entertainment, and other valuable pieces of information. I do miss the daily horoscopes though.

For Groceries and Recipes: Whole Foods

Did you know Whole Foods offers coupons and digital only deals? Well they do and through their handy app. In the app you can find coupons, deals and other important dealings with your local Whole Foods. I can also save recipes to make and create shopping lists for items I need with one click. The recipes can be filtered by allergies or specific food preferences which makes finding fresh new ideas even easier.

For Virtual To-Do Lists: Wunderlist

I am a paper to-do list person. I have a day planner and personal stock in Post-It Notes. Sometimes it's easier to use an app as it doesn't get lost and I don't spill coffee on it. Enter Wunderlist. This app has so many great features including alerts, reminders, and collaborative to-do lists. There's a desktop version so finding your to-dos is incredibly easy. Make and track a list for just about anything and mark when completed. The completed items are saved in a special section for later just in case you need them.

For Literally Everything Else: Twitter

You know the benefits of Twitter so this is a no brainer. I love Twitter for the live event coverage and commentary users provide. It's also great for up to the minute breaking news and sharing completely unnecessary GIFs with my best friend.

Images from the Apple App Store


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